Look Better! Feel Better!

Because You Deserve It.

Take advantage of our new client special for a $149 fat reduction session. Each session includes cavitation, rf skin tightening, vacuum therapy, and low level laser lipo pads. Initial session also includes consultation and a detailed treatment plan. Book now for a quick 15-minute call to ask you a few medical questions and get you scheduled.

We'll Help You Reach Your Goals.

We are owned and operated in Mason, Ohio and provide body contouring, massages, aesthetics, and other skin and wellness services.

Since most clients see immediate or measurable results after their first session, clients get the kick-start they were looking for and get the motivation and confidence to live a healthier lifestyle, prompting exercise and better diets. We understand you live a busy life and sometimes do not have time to go to the gym. However, we do encourage working out, even if it's just walking, swimming, or biking. After having sessions with us, the majority of our clients are motivated to adjust their lifestyles, even if it is drinking water daily or even incorporating a little bit of physical activity..

We are happy to be partnering with YhWh Aesthetics (www.yhwhaesthetics.com) to offer aesthetics services for all of your skin care, regenerative medicine, and other skin and health and wellness needs. We also offer fat dissolve injections, IV hydration therapy, microneedling,, fillers and toxins, and more. See our Services page for details. Contact us to schedule an appointment or consultation today!

We are also happy to be partnering with Serene Bodywork Co. to offer an array of massage services by our licensed LMT. See our Services page for details. Contact us to schedule your massage appointment today!

Let us be a part of your health and wellness journey to helping you look better and feel better!

This is a FDA approved non-surgical process that does not have any downtime. We use Ultrasonic Cavitation, Radio Frequency, Vacuum Therapy, and Laser Lipolysis to break down the fat cells below the skin. Fat cells are heated causing them to rupture (break apart), allowing the body to absorb them into your body. Drinking plenty of water flushes the fat cells out through your lymphatic system by urine or sweat. The fat cells we remove will never come back. The majority of our clients see same day results. Results may vary. More than one treatment is highly recommended to see your desired goal. We love seeing our happy clients' same day results! We are able to remove stubborn fat that clients have had for years! We look forward to helping you achieve a Better You!

Look Better! Feel Better!

Take advantage of the $149 new client special for your first fat reduction session. Book now for a quick 15-minute call to ask you a few medical questions and get you scheduled.